Mission Statement
“The purpose of the corporation shall be to actively facilitate and promote economic development and business retention in the La Crosse Area. This shall be accomplished by focusing on the “triad of development”: the attraction of industry, the retention of business and industry, and the development of the area workforce."
The La Crosse Area Development Corporation (LADCO) is a private, member-driven, nonprofit organization that helps to grow and enhance the development and diversification of the La Crosse County regional economy. We exist to help drive the Coulee region’s economic growth, diversification, and sustainability through helping our local companies stay and grow, recruiting new business to the region, and supporting entrepreneurs and business start-ups. LADCO is supported by its more than 70 private sector investor partners and local municipalities. Since 1972, LADCO has assisted companies with their location and expansion plans, helping to create and retain thousands of jobs for Coulee region residents. The region is well-positioned to be competitive nationally and globally and LADCO is dedicated in driving this progress.
In 2022, we surveyed our members and partners to assess how well LADCO is performing as an organization. We also asked for feedback on our programs and services, as well as current issues impacting our businesses. Check out the member survey results to the right!